第21回 JIA関東甲信越支部 大学院修士設計展 2023

Cultural Museum of KUANZHAI XIANGZI: Creating New Path For Renovation of High Street

(文化博物館 : リノベーションへの新しい道の提案)
人間総合科学研究群 デザイン学学位プログラム博士前期課程

KUANZHAI XIANGZI is a famous high street transformed from historical and cultural district in Chengdu, China. By utilizing the methodology named Space Syntax to analyze its historic city development and current situation. Picking up the continuous open space and drawing the associated convex map and axial map. Using the official software of Space Syntax called DepthmapX to calculate the integration value showing which path possesses the highest accessibility. Higher accessibility means more visitors.
Then, conducted field trip to count the people number passing through the district within 3min three times. Drawing the people to the continuous open space map to observe how people working through the district.
Comparing the number between theoretical and practical. It showed there is a path possesses high accessibility, actually only a few visitors here. And the main paths are too crowed. Further improvement seems necessary in the near future. Attempted to propose design improvement from the axial analysis. Calculating the change value and choose the path with the best preservation. Then pinpoint the best rhetorical proposal back to the map. Adjusting it based on the preservation and try to create a new path for renovation.
According to further research, found culture museum is necessary. And preserve the traditional structure and housing as much as possible.




2017年 中国深圳大学 建築と都市計画学部

2017-2019年 深圳BM株式会社

2023年 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究群デザイン学